Steve Nash Just Earned His First Ever Coaching Ejection By Showing A Level Of Rage Nobody Even Knew Existed From Him

Sarah Stier. Getty Images.

You could say the start to the season for the Brooklyn Nets has been less than ideal. Ben Simmons can't stop fouling out (even though that call in Memphis was bullshit), Kyrie is shooting 28% from three, Durant only 33% and at 1-2 entering the night with a MIL/DAL back to back on deck you could say tensions are high.

The good news is the Nets have been holding their own against the Bucks so far. As I blog this it's a one possession game entering the 4th quarter. But that's not why you clicked this blog. You clicked this blog to watch Steve Nash lose his shit

NBA refs simply cannot stop throwing people out of games. They are full-blown addicted. Whether it's Joe Mazzulla, Grant Williams, Klay Thompson, and now Steve Nash, nothing is hotter in the streets right now than getting tossed from an NBA game. In fact, I'd argue if you're not getting tossed from an NBA game are you even trying? 

I'll say this though, give Nash credit. He looked possessed for a second there and definitely shocked the world with his ability to get mad like that. I always thought he was way too chill/may actually be a robot to feel and express an emotion like that. But given the situation, you want your coach to stick up for his players. Playing Giannis in his own building is most certainly an experience where you have to be ready for all kinds of bullshit when it comes to how the game is called. That's simply how it goes with that player and that building. Was it a flop by Patty Mills? Kinda. Is Steve Nash right that it's bullshit how Giannis gets to use his off arm like that? Absolutely. So I say good on him for losing his shit. These NBA refs are huge babies anyways so it doesn't take much to get that second tech. You may as well use it as a motivational tactic as you prepare for a huge 4th quarter.

Serioiusly though, every single night we're seeing someone get tossed. Maybe this is just a first few weeks of the season thing and over time it'll go back to normal, but until then you have to be ready for someone on your favorite team to get tossed on any given night. I can't wait to hear what "Respect The Game" rules Nash broke that led to his ejection. I'm sure it was well warranted!

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